What is this?
ProtoScript is a platform that lets you publish Javascript code to your ATProto Personal Data Server (PDS).
You can then view and execute the code from any user account directly in your browser.
I thought it would be neat. It doesn't have a real purpose but it was fun to build.
Isn't this insecure?
No more than running JS from any other random website, the browser has pretty good sandboxing.
However, you should make sure you don't have your app password in the publish tab, as an
executed script will be able to see it.
How do I use it?
View scripts
Click the "View Scripts" tab. Enter a username. Click Get Scripts.
Publish a script
Click the "Publish Script" tab. Enter your ATProto username and app password.
Enter a filename and description. (description is optional)
Write your code. Click Publish.
How do I delete my scripts?
Use the RepoCleaner to remove the records. I considered adding delete functionality to this UI but this is a toy project and that would add a lot of complexity.